
Saturday, January 14, 2012

Are You Starting to Wonder Why Your Girl Wants You to Shop For Cheap Car Insurance Quotes Online?

Couples end up having to share a lot of things in life. Dish duty. The responsibility for making plans on the weekend. The endless list of chores that go hand in hand with welcoming that new bundle of joy into your life. But are you starting to notice that your girl keeps slipping over the lines and nudging you to shop for cheap car insurance quotes online?

That's because it's June, my friend. What happens in June? The endless string of summer weddings starts rolling in (I've got 6 invitations sitting in my inbox as we speak) and all the unmarried women out there start to wonder if your decision to wait to get married until you can actually afford it is just an excuse to put off the ceremony for yet another month. When you go shopping for cheap car insurance quotes online you can put away enough in the bank account to finally have the money you need to buy that diamond ring.

You'd be amazed at the amount of money you can put away when you decide to go shopping for insurance quotes online. Most people don't realize that no two insurance companies are exactly the same. Some have policies designed to help drivers get past a few lumps and bumps on their record, while others cater to the 16 and under crowd. If you're very, very lucky you'll find one that does both-but you're never going to know unless you take the time to go looking around.

Studies show that over 20% of drivers feel like their car insurance quotes are too high. Surprise, surprise, most of them are actually right! There are hundreds of things out there that have an impact on how much you'll pay for your coverage, and if you don't know what they are, or if you sign on the dotted line with the first Insurance Guy that comes along and promises to make you good deal, you could be missing out on some of the best deals floating around out there in Auto Insurance Land.

**Disclaimer: There's not really an auto insurance land. Not that I know of, anyway. But if you happen to find one, we'd love to know about it!**

The nice thing about shopping for cheap car insurance quotes online instead of hopping in your car and going from office to office is that it takes almost no time at all. You go online, you fill out a form with your basic information, you submit it to the company and BOOM! Presto, change-o, you've got a quote in front of you, usually in a matter of minutes. That means that you can spend some time with your girlfriend while you're saving so that when you have the money saved up for a ring she's still interested in saying "I Do!"

Getting married isn't the only reason to shop for cheap car insurance quotes online. People do it every day, even after they've tied the knot. Regardless of what state your personal life happens to be in, couldn't you find something to do with a little bit of extra cash in your pocket?

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