
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

What Changes When You Shop For Car Insurance Quotes Online As Insurance Fraud Continues to Climb?

It's easy, very easy, for us to be incredibly blasé about insurance fraud. After all, we don't commit it. We leave that for desperate criminals looking for a way to make an easy buck. It doesn't affect our daily lives, it doesn't affect our work and it doesn't affect our families, so therefore it has nothing to do with us. Beware before you become too careless, however. Insurance fraud may have nothing to do with you, but it has everything to do with the numbers you get when you go shopping for car insurance quotes online.

How does insurance fraud relate to finding car insurance quotes online? Quite simply put, it determines whether they're going to go up or down on any given day. Insurance fraud is the second most costly crime in the United States, topped only by refusing to pay the IRS. (We all feel the same way when we look at the bite they're taking out of our paychecks, but getting on the bad side of the IRS never ends well for anybody!)

When you consider the fact that companies spend millions every year on fraudulent insurance claims you should begin to connect the dots. When you shop for car insurance quotes online you're not just hearing the quotes that relate to your driving record. You're also looking at the ones that pertain to the financial status and history of your car insurance company.

So, let's say a particular insurer watches the fraud rate climb steadily over a 5 year period. Even if it hasn't actually caught all of the drivers filing false insurance claims, it knows they're out there. They know they have to be paying out for fake insurance claims. And they know that by wasting their money on frauds and con men they're drastically cutting into the resources they could be using to help other, honest drivers who need their insurance money to get their lives back on track after they've been in an accident.

The only way to compensate for that loss is to raise insurance rates across the board.

Do you want to pay more for your insurance just because someone, somewhere, decided they needed money far more than they needed to set a good example? Of course not. No one does. Fight back against insurance fraud. Don't commit it, and report it when you see it.

Until we start fighting back, insurance fraud is going to continue to affect the amounts we see when we go shopping for car insurance quotes online.

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Free Online Insurance Quotes said...

Really interesting Auto Insurance Quotes article! I appreciate your new idea. Thanks for sharing with us.

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