
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

How to Tell If You're Going to Get Ripped Off Shopping For Free Car Insurance Quotes Online

If there's anyone that's got a worse reputation than politicians, it has to be insurance companies. It would take us the rest of the month to talk about the number of insurance companies that have gone under the axe over the years because they dragged their feet over paying a claim-or worse, denied the claim altogether! Here's a look at how to tell if you're going to get ripped off by these con artists and swindlers while you're shopping for free car insurance quotes online.

Don't get me wrong. Most car insurance companies are completely above board. I want to make that perfectly clear before a car insurance rep happens to come my way and slaps a libel suit over my head! Your insurance company is in the business of helping you get back on your feet and back on the road as soon as possible after an accident, and most of them take great pride and great pleasure in making sure their drivers are taken care of.

That being said, there's a bad apple in every industry. The longer you spend surfing the web looking for free car insurance quotes online the more you're going to realize that many of those bad apples are doing business right outside your front door. The trick is to spot them before you've handed over huge sums of money for services you'll never receive.

So how do you know ahead of time if an insurer's going to rip you off? There are two key points you need to watch out for. First and foremost, keep an eye on the questions they ask. If you're insurance savvy you've already done your homework on what can save you money on those free car insurance quotes and what can't. If you fill out an insurance quote request that doesn't ask about where you live, how far you drive in a year, your car's make and model, your job, any safety features on your car and/or where you park at night, they're not giving you all the savings you're entitled to.

The other thing you want to know is how much grief they're going to give you when the time comes to file your car insurance claims, and the best way to figure that out is to go out and check out the consumer reports online. No one gives you the cold, hard truth like their current and past customers, and you should take advantage of that to make sure you're working with a company that's on the level every step of the way.

So how do you make sure a company's not going to rip you off when you're shopping for free car insurance quotes online? Do your homework. A company with a good reputation that's willing to offer you every discount you can find is going to have you covered from the minute you hit the highways until the minute you get back home.

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